Epileptic seizure: help with seizures, further treatment

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Epileptic seizure: help with seizures, further treatment

According to doctors dealing with the problem of epilepsy, the real number of people suffering from this pathology is significantly higher than statistics say. This is due to the fact that many hide the presence of epileptic seizures, fearing complications at work and many restrictions in life. This leads to the fact that the resulting seizures are treated incorrectly, the necessary medications are not taken , which negatively affects the quality of life. But, meanwhile, this pathology does not belong to mental illness, although it leads to specific changes in the brain regions. 

Features of the brain in epilepsy

With epilepsy, serious changes in the activity of the brain are revealed, foci of pathological excitement are formed, which lead to the development of seizures with convulsions. Often, before the onset of epilepsy, the brain undergoes serious damage in the form of strokes, trauma, the development of volumetric processes, various infections or other severe influences. But sometimes pathology occurs even without previous lesions of the brain tissue, in completely healthy people, and it is not possible to identify the true reasons for it. Up to 70% of cases of epilepsy have this very nature: due to unknown events, the brain forms a site with abnormal activity, which at any time is capable of forming an attack. This does not always happen at home, an attack is possible at work, on a trip on public transport and on vacation. In the presence of epileptic seizures, the patient cannot control the activity of the brain, which can lead to falls from a height, injuries and accidents associated with loss of consciousness and control over what is happening around.

If an epileptic seizure has occurred, it is important to see a doctor in the near future and be fully examined, identify the reasons for this and start taking medications prescribed by the doctor . But many people are afraid of such a diagnosis, refusing treatment due to restrictions on work activities, a ban on driving a car and many other problems. 

If diagnosed with epilepsy?

If the diagnosis of epilepsy is confirmed by examination data, this is not the end of an active life. But certain restrictions will still follow. It will be important to give up alcohol and smoking, take the medications prescribed by the doctor on time and without gaps, monitor the daily regimen and, if possible, prevent lack of sleep, do not take frequent breaks in meals, since pathological brain activity is more likely against the background of hunger. You should also avoid worries and stressful situations, heavy exhausting physical activity and, if necessary, record all epileptic seizures in a diary (this is important for the doctor and correction of therapy).  

Although epilepsy is an incurable pathology, with adherence to the regimen and taking medications that control epileptic seizures, you can achieve a stable remission for many years, which allows you to lead a full life without any restrictions.

What is needed in treatment: medicines and life features

It is important to understand that drugs against this pathology are prescribed for lifelong use, but if the disease is not treated, epileptic seizures begin to increase in frequency, become severe, which disrupts performance and ultimately leads to emotional disruptions and mental disorders, trauma and injury. In addition to medicines that are prescribed only by a doctor and are selected strictly individually, a special diet with a ketogenic effect will help alleviate the condition.

If you introduce certain restrictions in the diet, you can reduce the frequency of seizures, and sometimes even completely eliminate seizures. A feature of the diet will be to stimulate the body to use more fat, which means spending less glucose in order to produce energy. The diet of people with epilepsy should contain foods that are rich in fats, and the amount of carbohydrates should be reduced. But all activities such as medication and diet should be monitored by a doctor.

If convulsions occur: what to do?

Often, convulsions in the presence of epilepsy take the patient himself and those around him by surprise. It is important to provide proper help with them so as not to harm the patient and not lead to additional injuries and complications. It is forbidden to try to insert hard objects (forks, spoons, pencils, etc.) between the teeth, as this most often leads to dental injuries. If there is a tight closure of the jaws, do not try to unclench them forcibly, it is enough to put the person and turn his head on one side so that intense salivation does not lead to suffocation.  

During seizures, you should not allow the person to hurt themselves on objects or fall to the floor. It is important to try to pick up the victim, supporting and gently lowering him to the floor, sitting down or moving him away from the potentially dangerous area. It is important to hold his head to avoid injury.

Immediately at the onset of an attack, you need to call an ambulance. After the convulsions have ended and the person has come to his senses, you need to delicately tell him about what happened. If he refuses an ambulance, you need to hand him over to relatives who will help him get home and rest.

What you need to know about epileptic seizures

It is important that others understand that an epileptic seizure does not lead to mental retardation and a decrease in intelligence (this is possible only if the seizures are not controlled and the disease is not treated). People suffering from this disease are full-fledged members of society, they are absolutely adequate, although they may have some minor limitations in life. Like other citizens, they can work in many areas, create families and have children. It should be understood that no one is immune from epileptic seizures, they can occur at any age and under any stress. Therefore, you should always consult a doctor with such a diagnosis, which will help to take control of seizures by taking medications and maintaining a special lifestyle, changes in diet and regimen.

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