Is epilepsy in children treated?

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Is epilepsy in children treated?

Epilepsy is a neurological pathology of a chronic nature. With her, the body is prone to convulsive seizures of various strengths. 

A typical manifestation of the disease is periodic situations during which muscle cramps develop into a seizure with loss of consciousness.

The child’s brain activity is normalized by pills

Pronounced seizures are considered an extremely severe type of epilepsy. Fortunately, it is relatively rare. In newborns and young children, seizure symptoms are mild. They can be easily confused with normal activity, or even overlooked.

Whether epilepsy is treated in young children or adolescents or not depends on many factors. First of all – from the cause and aggressiveness of the disease, the characteristics of the organism, the prescribed and accepted therapy. Doctors say that childhood epilepsy is curable in most cases, but it is necessary to undergo a course of complex therapy.

Features of therapy depending on the form of epilepsy

Under the general name of convulsive seizures, there are about 60 diagnoses of varying severity. Each of them develops due to various reasons.

Therefore, when determining the danger of a small patient having seizures, first of all, a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out. With the help of instrumental examinations, doctors clarify all aspects of the course and dynamics of the disease.

Varieties of childhood epilepsy

The following types of seizures are distinguished in children:

  • Absorption or non-convulsive generalized. A common type, manifested in the period from birth to puberty. Difficult to find, absence lasts 5-20 seconds. The child “turns off” from the outside world. Such seizures may be accompanied by slight throwing back of the head and trembling of the eyelids. With equal probability, after puberty, they can disappear or, on the contrary, increase.
  • Absance – eye rolling and eyelid tremors
  • Infantile spasms appear in 2-3 years. Early in the morning after waking up, the body is not completely controlled for several seconds. The kid nods his head, straightens his legs, arms, brings them to his chest, the body leans forward.
  • Atonic – outwardly short-term fainting, during which the body completely relaxes, and the consciousness is darkened for a few seconds.
  • Full-fledged seizures with severe convulsions, disorientation in space.
  • Sleep attacks can be recognized by sleepwalking. As a rule, they pass by the period of growing up on their own without the necessary treatment.
    The symptoms of childhood epilepsy are often mild, parents and relatives do not notice the presence of the disease for a long period. The similarity of manifestations with other diseases complicates the diagnosis and the appointment of the correct treatment. The average age of detection of patients is 5-18 years.

It is possible to determine with confidence whether it is possible to cure epilepsy completely in a teenager, young children or not, how to do it, is realistic only with some of its variants. Those, the reasons for the development of which are established in detail. More often, one has to hope for positive dynamics, with a weakening of seizures, a decrease in seizures.


If you suspect small, insignificant attacks, manifested in the form of short-term fading or night sleepwalking, you should consult a pediatrician, a neurologist and conduct a thorough examination, since such symptoms are characteristic of a number of diseases.

There is only one way to prove that a patient has epilepsy – EEG (electroencephalography). The results of the study will show specific deviations in the work of neurons, leading to seizures.  

When the diagnosis of a seizure disorder is confirmed, the neurologist prescribes additional studies. This is necessary to find out the location and number of foci, the systematic nature of their awakening:

  • computed tomography (CT);
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • video EEG monitoring.

After studying the results of the study, the type of pathology is clarified, complex treatment is prescribed.


After a thorough examination, diagnosis, clarification of all the accompanying factors, the pediatrician will not be able to accurately answer the question: “Is epilepsy in a child curable or not?” Since it is impossible to eliminate the focus that causes it in the brain. But the chances of cessation of seizures, taking into account the statistics, are not bad.

A neurologist prescribes complex treatment, which includes:

  • drug anticonvulsant therapy;
  • optimization of the daily routine;
  • organization of special meals;
  • bioresonance therapy;
  • impact on the brain with a magnetic field, vortex fields;
  • Exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises).
  • Anticonvulsants are the mainstay of treatment for epilepsy in children

Drugs and dosage are selected specifically for each patient. Since, due to the characteristics of the body, it is impossible to predict the severity of the action of certain pills in advance.

In each case, the treatment paradigm is selected taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease and the characteristics of the patient.


Prevention of seizures plays a special role in getting rid of the disease. However, even if the attacks disappeared from a person’s life a year ago, the foci that cause them do not disappear. Therefore, a diagnosis made in childhood, overcome by painstaking treatment or due to age, may return. In adulthood, with much more severe symptoms.

To reduce the likelihood of this, it is necessary throughout life to remember the body’s tendency to seizures. And carry out preventive measures:

  • adhere to a clear daily routine;
  • avoid discos, computer games;
  • choose sports that are allowed with such a diagnosis;
  • avoid overwork;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • follow a diet;
  • avoid taking drugs;
  • warn doctors about the earlier diagnosis when choosing drugs;
  • be careful about driving a vehicle;
  • choose a profession taking into account the instability to severe stress and overwork; there are jobs that are contraindicated for epileptics;
  • closely monitor your health, as some diseases can provoke repeated attacks in adulthood;
  • regularly practice courses of selected physiotherapy.

Even if after reaching puberty there were no seizures, and the diagnosis was eventually withdrawn, it is impossible to forget about the peculiarities of the structure of your brain. Whether it is possible to cure epilepsy in a child forever is an open question due to the specifics of the disease.

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