Companion for Mental Disorders

How to remove the diagnosis of epilepsy

The opinions of specialists, advice and recommendations for overcoming possible problems and the conditions necessary to achieve the removal of the diagnosis of epilepsy. An attack of the disease suddenly overtakes the patient right on the street, at a bus stop, in the bus or trolleybus itself. He gets convulsions. He loses consciousness, falls, has convulsions. Foam comes out…
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The ketogenic diet for epilepsy

According to doctors, diet for epilepsy for adults and children plays an important role, as well as medication. Using dietary food can improve the patient’s health and reduce the number of seizures in both adults and toddlers. Nutritional therapy for epilepsy Epilepsy is a serious chronic disease of the nervous system. In terms of its frequency, it is…
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Temporal epilepsy: causes and treatments

The disease “epilepsy” has several forms. The form of the disease in which the focus of the pathological process is located in the fronto -temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex is called temporal lobe epilepsy. This form of the disease is the most common. Temporal epilepsy is one of the forms of epilepsy in which the focus of epileptic activity is…
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Alcoholic epilepsy: symptoms, treatment methods

In the case of serious alcohol dependence and excessive alcohol consumption, a disease called alcoholic epilepsy can develop . Most often it manifests itself in the form of seizures, which are accompanied by convulsions. Initially, they appear only during moments of strong alcoholic intoxication, but over time they can be regular. This is due to the occurrence of irreversible pathological processes…
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Epileptic seizure: help with seizures, further treatment

According to doctors dealing with the problem of epilepsy, the real number of people suffering from this pathology is significantly higher than statistics say. This is due to the fact that many hide the presence of epileptic seizures, fearing complications at work and many restrictions in life. This leads to the fact that the resulting seizures are…
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Epilepsy: basic steps to lasting remission

Epilepsy is a chronic disease, one of the most common diseases. In the world, about 40 million people suffer from epilepsy. But at the same time, in 65% of patients, the disease is in a state of drug remission, with no seizures against the background of drug therapy. In children, the frequency of pathology is noted with a frequency…
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Epilepsy can be hidden behind fantasies and inattention

Many children tend to daydream and fantasize, get distracted in class and not hear the teacher’s questions. This, according to everyone, was Jasmine Banovich from the UK. For two years, the teachers complained that the girl in the classroom and between them “is carried away into the clouds” and completely “falls out” of the educational process. Jasmine herself could not explain in…
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Dental treatment in children with cerebral palsy, epilepsy, Down syndrome

Modern medicine is constantly improving. Today, children with disabilities and health features have more and more opportunities to receive quality medical care. For such children, centers are being created where the child can receive all the necessary treatment and undergo rehabilitation. Such circumstances have a positive effect on the general quality of life of the patient himself, as…
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Epilepsy: diagnosis and treatment

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological diseases that tends to become chronic. The essence of this pathological process lies in the fact that a sick person has sudden seizures unprovoked by any external causes. The danger of this pathology lies in the fact that it often leads to the disability of the patient. Epilepsy can…
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Epilepsy and the Internet: Controlling Your Own Life

Epilepsy is a chronic disease of the nervous system, which is manifested by seizures, often by nothing, at first glance, not provoked. Today in the world about 50 million people suffer from epilepsy. Epilepsy, due to its unpredictability, limits a person’s life to a large extent and creates many problems for him. Patients diagnosed with epilepsy are not…
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