The benefits of magnetotherapy

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The benefits of magnetotherapy

Magnetotherapy is a method of physiotherapeutic treatment by exposing the body to a constant, variable or traveling magnetic field.

In the Yusupov hospital, procedures are performed using modern stationary and mobile magnetotherapy devices. Doctors of the rehabilitation clinic take into account the presence of indications and contraindications for the appointment of magnetotherapy for a particular patient.

Indications for magnetotherapy

Magnetotherapy has the following effects from physiotherapy treatment:








restoring the structure of damaged tissues

With the help of magnetotherapy you can get rid of:



high blood pressure;

muscle pain;


The magnetic field improves immunity, stimulates the formation of its own collagen, enhances tissue nutrition and sexual desire, thins the blood, and improves lymphatic drainage. The use of magnetic therapy allows patients to forget about exacerbations of chronic diseases due to the stimulation of immunity and metabolic processes.














Magnetic therapy procedures are included in the scheme of complex rehabilitation of patients with various diseases.

In neurology, the benefits of magnetic therapy are observed after suffering an acute cerebrovascular accident.

Indications for magnetotherapy are also:

osteocondritis of the spine

neuralgia of various origins

sleep quality disorder

chronic fatigue syndrome

hypersensitivity to meteorological factors

traumatic brain injury and spinal injury

chronic disorders of cerebral circulation

dyscirculatory encephalopathy

vertebrobasilar disease

vegetative vascular dysfunction

cognitive disorders

cerebral palsy

memory loss

postpartum trauma and its consequences

In orthopedics, magnetotherapy for joints is used for coxarthrosis, arthrosis of other localization and arthritis. Procedures are released for cardiological diseases: hypertension, coronary heart disease, cardiosclerosis, used to prevent cardiovascular diseases. Magnetotherapy is used for peripheral vascular diseases: obliterating endarteritis, thrombophlebitis, Raynaud’s syndrome , atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, chronic venous insufficiency, diabetic angiopathy, and lymph outflow disorders.

Magnetotherapy in the hospital

Indications for magnetotherapy are:

in surgery – trophic ulcers, fractures, dislocations, sprains, soft tissue lesions, bruises;

in gastroenterology – pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, biliary dyskinesia, chronic cholecystitis;

in endocrinology – non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and its consequences, metabolic diseases, pathology of the ovaries and adrenal glands;

in cosmetology – cellulite, overweight;

in gynecology – chronic endometritis, algomenorrhea, infertility, menopausal syndrome;

in pulmonology – bronchitis, pneumonia, hormone -independent bronchial asthma, tuberculosis in the inactive phase.

With the help of magnetotherapy, human biorhythms are normalized, depression, anxiety and obsessive states go away. The procedures are useful for alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, withdrawal symptoms. Urologists use magnetic therapy as part of the complex treatment of male infertility, prostatitis, erectile dysfunction, chronic inflammation of the seminal vesicles, urethritis, dysuric syndrome, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, cystitis.

Contraindications and side effects of magnetic therapy

Contraindications to the use of magnetotherapy are:

severe hypotension

tendency to bleed

the presence of neoplasms

acute stage of the pathological process

exacerbation of chronic diseases

violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of the procedure


individual intolerance to the physiotherapy procedure

cardiac arrhythmias


cardiovascular insufficiency stage III-IV


Magnetic therapy procedures are not prescribed in the presence of a pacemaker and metal pins, varicose veins, stage III hypertension, systemic blood diseases, mental illness, epilepsy, severe cerebral atherosclerosis. Is it possible to do magnetic therapy during pregnancy? Procedures are not done for pregnant women and children under the age of 1.5 years. When prescribing magnetic therapy at the hospital, Yusupovskaya rehabilitation specialists always evaluate the benefits and harms of the procedures.


High frequency magnetotherapy

Physiotherapy with magnets: indications and contraindications

In modern medicine, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed for almost all types of treatment. Physiotherapy methods can speed up the healing process. At the same time, the simultaneous use of medications is not a prerequisite.

Magnetic therapy treatment

Magnetotherapy in physiotherapy

The human body and biological fluids are made up of different types of cells. Although they have common features. Cells are formed by ionized molecules, each of which has its own electrical charge. Thus, when a magnet with low frequencies begins to act on the body, weak currents arise in the tissues, which in turn contribute to:

improving oxygen metabolism

decrease in platelet activity

decrease in blood viscosity

increase in oscillatory movements of proteins and erythrocytes in plasma

change in the rate of biological and chemical processes

increased blood circulation

Such an effect on the body helps to accelerate the regeneration processes at a deep level. This scheme helps to cope with pathological conditions. Magnetotherapy in physiotherapy is used almost constantly. Scientists have long noted the positive impact of this type of hardware treatment on the human body. The properties of the low frequencies of the magnetic field are unique and allow you to start physical and chemical transformations in all types of tissues. As a result, large protein molecules act in the direction of those lines, which creates a magnetic field. This movement makes it possible to accelerate the reduction and oxidative reactions both in tissues and inside cells. As a result, the activity of enzymes improves, which favorably affect the blood supply.

Studies have noted the ability of a magnet to influence the brain. The effect obtained depends on the type of magnetic field. With continuous exposure, the inhibition processes are intensified. The excitatory effect is exerted by the impulse method of influence, thus accelerating all processes. This method of influence allows you to enhance the functions of signal transmission that go through the nervous system of the peripheral type.

Physiotherapy with magnets for hypertension gives positive results during the course of the disease, and this is primarily seen in the condition of patients. Under the influence of physiotherapy, blood pressure decreases, the pulse normalizes, and well-being improves. Low magnetic frequencies relieve pain, and the action of magnetic fields leads to the completion of inflammatory processes and, as a result, a decrease in tissue swelling. The level of blood coagulation decreases, regeneration is stimulated and restored.

Indications and contraindications

Magnetic physiotherapy has analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory and decongestant effects on the body. Magnetic procedures give almost the same effect as drug treatment. This technique promotes the resorption of hematomas. The method consists in improving blood microcirculation, as well as eliminating blood clots in tissues. Use this technique in the following cases:

cardiovascular diseases;

urinary diseases;

diseases of the respiratory tract;

drug addiction;

purulent inflammatory processes;

skin and soft tissue lesions;

diseases of the nervous system;

diseases of the musculoskeletal system;

disorders in the digestive tract.

Treatment with magnetotherapy of the joints has shown high efficiency, especially for arthritis and arthrosis. The method of magnetic therapy makes it possible to quickly remove foci of inflammation and pain. If there is a need to restore cartilage tissue, this technique helps in improving joint mobility and the level of its formation.


individual intolerance;

depletion of the body;

hypertension III degree;

tumors and neoplasms;

violations of the properties of the blood composition with a pathological nature;

abscesses and purulent processes in tissues;

heart failure II, III stages.

This restriction applies mainly to patients with severe pathological conditions or those for whom the risk of complications is considered unjustified.

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