What is an episindrome?

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What is an episindrome?

Episyndrome is a consequence of diseases similar in clinical signs to epilepsy. Epileptic seizures disappear after the elimination of the root cause, the symptoms of which they are. The causes of the episindrome are collapse, brain tumor, traumatic brain injury, fainting, arising from disturbances in cardiac conduction and rhythm, hypoxia, congenital pathologies of the brain, sclerosis, parasitic diseases and brain abscesses.


Symptoms of an episindrome

Focal seizures are the main symptoms of an episindrome, the appearance of which depends on the location of the lesion. Secondary generalized seizures complement the overall picture of the pathology. Epileptic seizures with the exact localization of the pathological focus are recorded on the electroencephalogram. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography can exclude other brain pathologies that can cause an epileptic seizure. The disease, which manifests itself as an episindrome without characteristic signs on MRI, is called presumptive symptomatic epilepsy.

Focal seizures are divided into simple and complex. Simple attacks are not accompanied by impaired consciousness, but complex, on the contrary, are characterized by them.


Types of episindrome

Frontal epilepsy is accompanied by motor attacks with contraction of the muscles of the arm, leg, one half of the face; violations of the motor cortex with a sharp tension of the limbs, pulling them to the body, shouting; opercular attacks with salivation, smacking, chewing, eyes; reverse attacks with the institution of the eyes and head to the side; partial attacks with motor automatism, olfactory hallucinations and autonomic disorders.

Symptomatic temporal lobe epilepsy is characterized by the location of the lesion in the temporal zone of the brain. Clinically, this type of disease is manifested by auditory, visual, autonomic disorders, olfactory hallucinations, deja vu sensation, euphoria, obsessive thoughts, sleepwalking. The episindrome is subdivided into amygdalo-hippocampal and lateral symptomatic. In the first case, the seizures are accompanied by an isolated impaired consciousness, the patient fading away with eyes wide open. In the second, visual, hearing and speech disorders are clearly detected. In women suffering from this type of episindrome, attacks are more frequent in the premenstrual period.

Symptomatic parietal epilepsy is characterized by anterior parietal seizures with numbness of some parts of the body, parasthesia, posterior parietal seizures with fading eyes and impaired consciousness, lower seizures with a feeling of disorientation, dizziness.

With the occipital episindrome, twitching of the eyeballs, loss of visual fields, visual hallucinations with colored spots or circles in front of the eyes, frequent blinking occur.

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