Companion for Mental Disorders

Récupération après la prise d’anticonvulsivants: Prendre soin de sa santé est plus important que tout

Les anticonvulsivants sont une classe de médicaments conçus pour prévenir ou réduire les crises d’épilepsie. S’ils peuvent être efficaces pour contrôler les manifestations épileptiques, ils peuvent également affecter la santé générale de l’organisme. Les patients qui prennent des anticonvulsivants sont souvent confrontés à la nécessité de récupérer et de maintenir leur état de santé général.…
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Healing Epilepsy: A Vintage Perspective

Epilepsy is a condition known to mankind for centuries. In the olden days, when medical science was in its infancy, people resorted to various healing methods based on traditional and cultural beliefs. Let’s take a look at how epilepsy was treated in ancient times and what methods were used in the past. Mystical Rites and…
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Let’s talk about epilepsy: What are the most important things to know about this disease?

To date, the disease epilepsy is quite common throughout the world. About 2% of the world’s population suffers from its various forms, regardless of gender, age or nationality.When a person hears the word “epilepsy”, he immediately imagines a convulsing patient with rapid breathing and foaming from the mouth. However, epilepsy can manifest itself in different…
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Epilepsy and Neurotic Pain: Connection and Impact on Patients

Epilepsy and neurotic pain are two different medical conditions that can affect patients in different ways. Let’s look at their relationship and impact on patients separately: Epilepsy: Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by regular episodes of epileptic seizures that may manifest as convulsions, loss of consciousness, involuntary movements, and changes in consciousness. Epilepsy is…
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Pregabalin: un farmaco efficace nella gestione del dolore neuropatico e dell’epilessia nell’adulto

Il dolore neuropatico e l’epilessia sono due condizioni mediche diverse che possono provocare gravi dolori e compromettere la qualità della vita di chi ne soffre. Fortunatamente, la medicina moderna offre molti trattamenti, tra cui i farmaci. Uno di questi farmaci efficaci è il pregabalin. Il pregabalin è un farmaco antiepilettico e anticonvulsivante che viene utilizzato…
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Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures. What to do?

What are psychogenic non-epileptic seizures? Is treatment necessary and what is the prognosis for the future? Epileptologist Prof. Uri Kramer answers. Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES or epilepsy pseudo – seizures) are, in most cases, a conversion reaction (the manifestation of symptoms associated with some psychological conflict or problem), which is similar from a psychiatric point…
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Febrile seizures in children. How to treat?

What are febrile seizures in children? Does the child have epilepsy? What treatment is needed and what is the prognosis for the future? Febrile seizures are convulsions in a child, usually caused by a temperature jump due to a viral illness. Moreover, the temperature of the baby does not have to be high in order…
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EEG in epilepsy. What should you know

What is an EEG of the brain? How is it carried out in children and adults? What does the electroencephalogram show in epilepsy and what does the decoding say? Main conclusions: An electroencephalogram is the most important test for suspected epilepsy in a child or adult, which checks for the presence of epileptic brain activity,…
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MRI for epilepsy in children and adults

What is an MRI study and why is it performed for epilepsy? What does magnetic resonance imaging show and until what age do children need general anesthesia? If the EEG results show focal (focal) epileptic activity, there is a need for an MRI. An MRI test for epilepsy is performed to find the cause of…
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Diagnosis of epilepsy. What should you know about her?

Diagnosis of epilepsy in children and adults. What does the examination for suspected disease consist of? When are genetic or metabolic tests needed? Main conclusions: The EEG is the most important test for suspected epilepsy, but it does not confirm or refute the diagnosis. Not all patients will need an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and…
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