Planning a child for epilepsy

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Planning a child for epilepsy

Epilepsy is not a common illness among pregnant women. At the same time, for women suffering from this ailment, the issue of childbirth is especially acute. Below we will consider what you need to know about this pathology.

With epilepsy, the brain is damaged, the classic manifestation of which is seizures. Other forms are also possible ( absences , myoclonus ).

Epilepsy manifestations in pregnant women

With epilepsy, the brain is damaged, the classic manifestation of which is seizures. Other forms are also possible ( absences , myoclonus ).

When electrical activity changes in the affected area of ​​the brain, motor and sensory functions are impaired. The patient loses balance, muscle cramps are observed, foam at the mouth. A person often bites his tongue. The seizure may be accompanied by involuntary urination.

For a pregnant woman, it is important that a seizure is a risk factor for termination, since the fetus is experiencing oxygen deprivation at this time. In addition, mechanical damage often occurs during falls, which can contribute to placental abruption.

Pregnancy planning risk assessment

When deciding to have a child, a couple must consider all possible risks. If a woman’s family has epilepsy in several close relatives, it must be understood that the probability of transmission of the disease to offspring is quite high (about 10%).

However, this form lends itself well to therapy if treatment is started from an early age. In other cases, the chance of inheriting the pathology is less (1-3%).

A separate conversation is the reception of funds prescribed additionally to a pregnant woman with epilepsy. All are potentially teratogenic and can cause malformations. But we must also take into account the fact that a generalized seizure causes much more harm to the fetus. The doctor selects the dosage of the drug individually, taking into account the condition. The required minimum is usually assigned.

A pregnant woman with epilepsy should be closely monitored. Intrauterine development is more closely traced. There is no need to arbitrarily refuse drugs. There is a risk of status epilepticus, with seizures following one after another, then loss of consciousness occurs.

Childbirth with epilepsy and breastfeeding

With epilepsy, natural childbirth is quite possible, there are no obvious contraindications to this. Caesarean section may be prescribed for concomitant neurological disorders.

When breastfeeding, a woman does not need to abandon the use of antiepileptic drugs, the child has already received them during intrauterine development. There are no full-fledged breast milk substitutes; you should not deprive your baby of its value. In addition, in a newborn, the only possible reaction is allergy.

Of course, if obvious symptoms of intoxication are detected (inhibited behavior, skin rashes, excessive sleep, distorted reflexes, etc.), feeding is stopped. Children are prescribed vitamin therapy. These are very rare situations.

In any case, the issues of dosage and appropriateness of breastfeeding are decided individually.

In the postpartum period, women should be surrounded by relatives who are ready to take on part of the responsibilities of caring for the baby. This is because sleep deprivation and changes in the rhythm of life can increase the frequency of seizures.

In conclusion, once again, you should pay attention to the fact that if there are any chronic diseases, pregnancy must necessarily be planned. A woman needs to monitor changes in the manifestations of the disease throughout the entire period of gestation.

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