Postpartum depression

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Postpartum depression

Pregnancy and childbirth is a complex process, accompanied by hormonal changes in the whole body. Postpartum depression can be a side effect of these changes. 

It would seem that all the hardest things are behind us, you can recuperate and enjoy life, but… melancholy, apathy are falling, the future is seen in a gloomy light. Even the mother’s own child becomes indifferent. But one should not blame her for insensibility, heart callousness, especially since she is most likely making such accusations to herself. The fact is that within the framework of postpartum depression, such a condition is indeed quite possible.

What is Postpartum Depression?

Many psychiatrists dispute the independence of postpartum depression as a separate disease. It is believed that childbirth provokes so-called endogenous depression – that is, depression that develops due to biochemical breakdowns in the brain. Sometimes postpartum depression is “tactfully” called postpartum psychosis – a more severe disorder accompanied by delusions, sometimes hallucinations. The autonomy of postpartum psychosis as a distinct disease has also been disputed. There is a point of view that childbirth in this case is not a cause, but only a provoking factor for the development of an attack of schizophrenia and related diseases.

Postpartum depression treatment

If we talk about the treatment of postpartum depression, then it does not fundamentally differ from the treatment of depression in general. Of course, the selection of drugs takes into account all the characteristics of an organism that has recently given birth. In any case, even after the onset of improvement, rather long-term use of drugs is desirable, aimed at preventing the chronicity of the disorder.

In conclusion, I would like to say that psychotherapy is especially relevant for patients with postpartum depression, which can significantly improve mood using non-drug methods, which is important for the body of a young woman. Family therapy can be very effective. After all, childbirth is the transition of the family system to a new level of development, the appearance of a child is a significant change in the life of a family, which is often accompanied by a crisis. Family therapy helps to rebuild relationships in the family in accordance with the requirements of the new period of life. Successful overcoming of the crisis of childbirth by both spouses is a guarantee of the subsequent well-being of the child and the whole family.

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