Prognosis and outcomes of perinatal lesions of the central nervous system

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Prognosis and outcomes of perinatal lesions of the central nervous system

In a child with a diagnosis of perinatal brain damage after 1 month of life, the doctor is able to determine the prognosis of further development of the child, which can be characterized by a complete recovery or development of minimal disorders of the central nervous system, and serious diseases requiring compulsory treatment and observation by a neurologist.

The main options for the consequences of perinatal damage to the central nervous system and young children:

1. Complete recovery

2. Delay in the mental, motor or speech development of the child

3. Syndrome of hyperactivity or attention deficit (minimal cerebral dysfunction) 4. Neurotic reactions

5. Cerebrosthenic (post-traumatic) syndrome

6. The syndrome of vegetative-visceral dysfunction

7 epilepsy


9 infantile cerebral palsy

In children with the consequences of perinatal brain damage at an older age, adaptation to environmental conditions is often observed, manifested by various behavioral disorders, neurotic manifestations, hyperactivity syndrome, asthenic syndrome, school maladaptation, impaired vegetative-visceral functions, etc. Given the insufficiently high medical the literacy of the population and the deficit of pediatric neurologists during especially the first year of life, such children do not receive full rehabilitation. The practice of educators and teachers of preschool institutions and primary schools indicates that in recent years the number of children with speech impairments, lack of attention, memory, increased distractibility and mental fatigue has risen sharply. Many of these children show violations of social adaptation, postural defects, allergic dermatoses, various dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract and dysgraphia. The spectrum of these violations is quite wide, diverse, and the “set” of defects in each individual child is individual. 

It should be noted right away that with timely diagnosis in early childhood, existing disorders, primarily the nervous system, in the vast majority of cases can be almost completely eliminated by corrective measures, and children continue to live a full life.

With the beginning of classes at school, the process of maladaptation with manifestations of disorders of higher brain functions, somatic and autonomic symptoms accompanying minimal cerebral dysfunction, grows like an avalanche.

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