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Blog articles can help you overcome panic attacks, anxiety, hypochondria, social phobia and other anxiety conditions.

Nocturnal cough in children

Why does a night cough occur in children and how to get rid of it quickly? How to treat a child’s nocturnal cough and what should not be done? Symptoms of diseases that cause a child’s night cough. A strong cough at night exhausts children, depriving them not only of full sleep, but also taking all their…
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Partial epilepsy: seizures, symptoms

Partial epilepsy belongs to the category of partial epilepsy. She was first diagnosed and described by the English neurologist Jackson in 1863. After his work, attention to the study of this problem acquired a general character. Neurologists from Europe and Russia became interested in the course of the disease.  The main symptoms and signs of partial epilepsy Like…
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First aid for epilepsy

Before an attack, a person develops characteristic signs of epilepsy. These are convulsions, twitching and impaired coordination of movement. If you see these symptoms in a person, get ready to provide first aid. First, look around for sharp objects, furniture, etc. First aid for epilepsy is divided into several stages: help before the attack, help during an epileptic…
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Is epilepsy inherited?

This issue is of serious concern not only to patients with this ailment, but also to those who do not suffer from it. Naturally, everyone prefers to avoid such a fate and live fully. However, sadly, brain disease can occur through a gene. More prone to epilepsy, which is typical, in this way, the strong half of…
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Can I get a license for epilepsy?

In the Russian Federation, as in many countries, obtaining a driver’s license takes place in two stages: passing an exam and issuing a medical certificate of fitness for driving in a certain category of vehicles. It is realistic to pass the medical examination only in accordance with Order No. 302n. It also contains all types of…
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Cryptogenic focal epilepsy: treatment and symptoms

Even in ancient times, people suffered from a disease such as cryptogenic focal epilepsy, so its study began in the annals. Translated into Russian, the name of the disease is translated as “hidden, undesignated”, “sudden attack, fight”. Focal epilepsy, diagnosed in 70% of patients, means partial symptoms due to incomplete damage to the cerebral cortex.   Symptoms of…
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Jacksonian epilepsy treatment

Jacksonian epilepsy is a form of the disease in which seizures occur specifically. These seizures usually occur on one side of the body or limb.  This type of epilepsy was discovered by the English neuropathologist – Jackson. The content of the article: Jacksonian epilepsy symptoms Causes of Jacksonian epilepsy Jacksonian epilepsy treatment Jacksonian epilepsy symptoms The disease manifests itself in the form of clonic and tonic-clonic seizures. A…
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Generalized epilepsy: seizures, symptoms

Epilepsy is one of the most common diseases in the field of neurology. Depending on the affected foci of the brain and the specifics of the seizures, it can have different names. Generalized epilepsy is one of the most common manifestations of the disease. It is characterized by seizures, but no brain damage occurs.  The main classification and…
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Idiopathic epilepsy: causes and treatment

Idiopathic epilepsy is most common in all age groups. In percentage terms, it is approximately 30-35% of all detected cases. Idiopathic epilepsy causes serious disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, which, in turn, significantly reduces the patient’s quality of life. This type of epilepsy is considered the most common form among other types. A third of all…
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Disability. Does epilepsy give disability?

Epilepsy is characterized by epileptic seizures that involve loss of consciousness and impaired coordination of movement. With a chronic manifestation of the disease, disability can be assigned. Disability is assigned to a patient during a medical and social examination.  Testimony for which they are sent for examination: The disease is progressing. With the progression of the disease,…
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