Severe dizziness

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Severe dizziness

Severe dizziness manifests itself in the feeling that either the person himself or the objects that surround him are moving. Severe dizziness can be a manifestation of a huge number of diseases, both non-dangerous and pose a threat to human life. Medicine knows more than eighty reasons for the development of severe dizziness. In about twenty percent of cases of severe dizziness, a combination of causes is observed.

In a healthy person, equilibrium is determined by a complex of vestibular, visual and proprioceptive impulses that are perceived by the brain. Further, the impulses passing through the brain go to the muscles of the eyes and skeleton, providing the basis for a stable position of the body and proper positioning of the eyes. In the case of a pathologically altered stream of impulses, an illusory distortion of the movement of objects in the environment or the human body occurs.

Patients themselves quite often misuse the concept of dizziness, as they describe them lightheadedness, nearing fainting, a feeling of emptiness in the head. These complaints should be distinguished from severe dizziness, as they relate to a fainting condition accompanied by blanching of the skin, heart palpitations, nausea, blurred vision and increased sweating. This condition is called lipotymia, which can occur in cardiovascular diseases, lowering blood pressure of orthostatic nature, lowering blood sugar, anemia or severe myopia.

Quite often, patients call dizziness a disturbance of balance, manifested in the unsteadiness of the gait. This violation occurs with damage to the central nervous system of an organic nature, for example, with cerebellar disorders or polyneuropathy. Of course, they can not be considered real dizziness.

Other complaints of patients are related to a feeling of heaviness in the head, the so-called internal dizziness. This condition can be compared with alcohol intoxication, a feeling of lightheadedness. Such symptoms are mainly characteristic of dizziness of a psychogenic nature, which occurs with depression and neurosis.

Real dizziness is characterized by a sense of spinning or spinning, falling from a height, tilting or swaying objects in the environment or the human body. Quite often, such severe dizziness occurs accompanied by symptoms of a vegetative nature – vomiting and excessive sweating. Dizziness of a systemic nature is characterized by a violation of the normal functioning of the vestibular apparatus.   

Dizziness of a vestibular nature, as a rule, has the character of an attack. Persistent dizziness may occur with the use of drugs poisoning the receptors of the vestibular apparatus, in case of injury or infection of the fibers of the vestibular apparatus.

Dizziness Therapy

Therapy for severe dizziness, as a rule, is symptomatic. Causal treatment occurs only with a clearly limited set of diseases, for example, bacterial labyrinthitis, stroke, temporal lobe epilepsy, migraine, or some kind of tumor affecting the receptors of the vestibular apparatus.

Recently, severe dizziness is stopped by betahistine hydrochloride. The same tool is used to prevent dizziness. This tool has a little similarity with histamine. In addition, this drug normalizes the blood circulation in the middle ear.  

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