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Blog articles can help you overcome panic attacks, anxiety, hypochondria, social phobia and other anxiety conditions.

How to treat epilepsy?

Medicine knows many neuropsychological pathologies. One of the most common, according to statistics, is epilepsy. It occurs in 5-10% of the world’s inhabitants and is expressed in the manifestation of seizures that are caused by pathological discharges in the brain. With a seizure, temporary violations of the basic functions, such as: motor sensitive vegetative mental Features and…
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Speleotherapy: indications and contraindications

People for a long time, many centuries ago, drew attention to the fact that in salt caves it is easy and free to breathe. After it was noted that the miners who are engaged in the extraction of salt do not suffer from bronchial asthma. And thanks to this, a method of treatment arose for a long stay…
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Treatment of the effects of perinatal damage to the central nervous system

Brain lesions in the perinatal period are the main cause of disability and maladaptation of children. Treatment of the acute period of perinatal CNS lesions is carried out in a hospital, under the constant supervision of a doctor. Treatment of the consequences of lesions of the central nervous system of the perinatal period, which pediatricians…
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Epilepsy in children – new opportunities for diagnosis and treatment

Epilepsy is one of the most common diseases. It is known that about 1% of people from the general population had at least one epileptic seizure in their life. In childhood, epilepsy is even more common – in 4-5% of the total child population. Its manifestation, course, prognosis and treatment approaches in childhood are significantly different. Only in children…
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What kind of doctor is a neurologist?

Neurology is studying the methods of preventing pathologies of the nervous system. Often the symptoms of different diseases are very similar. Determining the correct diagnosis requires extensive knowledge of different fields of medicine from the aesculapius. Many mistakenly consider neurologists to be specialists in treating patients with mental disorders of varying complexity, the main cause of which…
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Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disease characterized by epileptic seizures. Around the world, about 40 million people suffer from periodic manifestations of this disease, in even greater numbers this disease does not reveal itself, it is latent in nature. Characteristics An epileptic seizure is the simultaneous excitation of numerous nerve centers localized in one part of…
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Causes of Epilepsy

Epilepsy is seen as a complication of a serious brain disease. Although not always. Any kind of brain disease can cause epilepsy, but not every person suffering from one brain disease will further suffer from epilepsy. Causes of Epilepsy – in many cases, the causes of epilepsy remain unclear. In this situation, it is generally accepted that the…
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New fat-based drugs can treat epilepsy

 Experts believe that a substance produced by the body when it uses fat as fuel can provide a new way to treat epilepsy. Researchers from London are conducting preliminary tests of a fatty acid treatment method. They were led to this idea by a diet prescribed to children with a form of epilepsy resistant to the…
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Convulsive seizures

Convulsive seizures develop on the basis of a strong degree of excitation of nerve cells in the brain. Typically, these nerve cells form a cluster in any area of ​​the brain. It is possible to establish the localization of the cluster using electroencephalography studies and by characteristic manifestations, for example, features of seizures, the presence or absence of…
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Severe dizziness

Severe dizziness manifests itself in the feeling that either the person himself or the objects that surround him are moving. Severe dizziness can be a manifestation of a huge number of diseases, both non-dangerous and pose a threat to human life. Medicine knows more than eighty reasons for the development of severe dizziness. In about twenty percent of…
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